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4-Person Yoga Poses: Fun and Effective Group Yoga

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  • Post last modified:September 25, 2024
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Meditation also brings harmony to both the body and mind of an individual and when practiced with group members it brings oneness not only physically but emotionally as well. Yoga exercises that involve 4 people enable every participant to achieve balance, flexibility, and harmony while working in teams. If you have never tried group yoga, then it is a fun idea and a chance to try something new with your body. In this article, we will guide you through several yoga poses that can be done with four people; the two are new beginners as well as intermediate.

1. Circle of Trust Pose (Seated)

One of the best ways to start a group yoga session is with a Circle of Trust Pose. This is a seated pose that focuses on breathing and synchronization. It helps all four participants feel connected and centered.

  • How to do it:
    1. Have all four people sit in a circle, cross-legged, with knees almost touching.
    2. Everyone holds hands and closes their eyes.
    3. Take deep breaths in unison, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
    4. After a few minutes of mindful breathing, start slowly leaning back, supporting each other with your arms.
    5. Feel the stretch and balance as you rely on the others to maintain your posture.

This pose helps build trust and sets the tone for the rest of the session.

2. Four-Way Warrior Pose

The Four-Way Warrior Pose is an adapted version of the Warrior II pose but designed for a group of four. This pose works on strength and stability, and it’s a fun challenge to keep everyone balanced together.

  • How to do it:
    1. Stand in a square formation, all facing outward.
    2. Each person takes a wide stance with their feet, turning one foot outward.
    3. Bend the knee of the turned-out leg to form a right angle.
    4. Stretch your arms out to the sides and clasp hands with the person next to you.
    5. Focus on maintaining balance as you work together to hold the pose for 30 seconds.

This group pose is excellent for enhancing core strength, coordination, and concentration.

3. Four-Person Downward Dog Chain

A group variation of the classic Downward Dog pose, the Downward Dog Chain is both fun and challenging. It builds shoulder strength and stretches the entire body, while requiring teamwork and communication.

  • How to do it:
    1. The first person starts in a regular Downward Dog position, forming an inverted V-shape with their body.
    2. The second person places their feet on the lower back of the first person and gets into their own Downward Dog position.
    3. Repeat with the third and fourth person, creating a chain of four.
    4. Hold the position for a few breaths, then slowly disassemble the chain one person at a time.

This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs while promoting flexibility.

4. Four-Person Plank

Planks are known for building core strength, and the Four-Person Plank is an exciting challenge that adds a teamwork element to this fundamental exercise.

  • How to do it:
    1. All four people get into a plank position, forming a square shape on the ground.
    2. Extend your arms forward, with each person placing their right hand on top of the next person’s left hand.
    3. Hold the plank while maintaining the hand connection, engaging your core.
    4. Try to hold this pose for at least 30 seconds.

The added challenge of staying connected forces the participants to engage their core and upper body while maintaining balance and focus.

5. Four-Person Tree Pose

The Tree Pose is a balancing pose that works well for four people when adapted for a group. It focuses on stability and requires each participant to stay grounded while supporting the others.

  • How to do it:
    1. Stand in a circle, facing each other.
    2. Raise one leg and rest the foot against the inner thigh of your standing leg, forming a tree pose.
    3. Reach out and hold hands with the people next to you for support and balance.
    4. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then switch legs and repeat.

This pose encourages balance and mindfulness while creating a strong sense of connection between the participants.

6. Lying Star Pose

The Lying Star Pose is a relaxing pose that helps to stretch the legs and back while promoting a sense of calm. It’s a great way to wind down a group yoga session.

  • How to do it:
    1. Lie down on the floor in a star formation with your heads in the center and your legs stretching outward.
    2. Extend your arms to the side, reaching out to hold hands with the people next to you.
    3. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing, taking deep, slow breaths for a few minutes.

This restorative pose helps to relax the muscles and calm the mind, making it an excellent finish to your session.

7. Four-Person Partner Boat Pose

The Partner Boat Pose is a core-strengthening pose that’s made even more fun and challenging when done with four people. It works the abdominal muscles and requires balance and coordination.

  • How to do it:
    1. Sit on the ground in a square formation, facing each other.
    2. Extend your legs outward and press the soles of your feet against the feet of the people opposite you.
    3. Hold hands with the people next to you, lifting your legs to form a boat shape.
    4. Engage your core to maintain balance and hold the pose for 30 seconds.

This pose is both fun and effective for building core strength.


Yoga poses for 4 people can usually be an excellent option to expand your practices, as well as strengthen the relationships with the other individuals. These group poses are not only for you but for your body strength and flexibility, and for teamwork and communication as well. Whether practicing with friends, family, or other yogis, the motions and breaths of the program will surely brighten your day. Introduce these poses the next time you are conducting a group yoga session and see the beauty of yoga with a group.

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